

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


It's Friday again everyone!


Today you will all be writing your lighthouse story and adding illustrations and maybe even making your own books!


In Maths - can you guess? Yes more problem solving!  There is no video today, but if you need to you can go back to the ones we have learnt from in the week. There is a sheet to do and remember to use all the different strategies we have learnt this week. If you think you are an expert now, will you please let me know?I am sure I will hear from lots of you and if you need more practice, we will come back to it again soon.


Today I am setting you a STEM activity! Do you remember what that stands for? S - science T- technology E-engineering M - maths. I have put a sheet here for you to follow, but your challenge is to make a lighthouse with a pulley for sending Mr Grinling's lunch down the wire! Have fun with this. smiley


So, whatever you have got planned for the weekend, I hope that you have a lovely break and then I will see you back on Monday for our very exciting School Sports Week!


Mrs Cavender smiley
