

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Monday 22 June

Good morning year 4


Here we are again for another week of home learning.  I am still working hard to find fun and interesting activities for you and this week the British Nutrition Foundation have home learning activities around healthy eating.  I hope you enjoy!



I have received feedback from a few of you that you are enjoying these maths sheets so here they are again.  Watch the video and have a go at the worksheet.  Problem of the day if you want more and an alternative sheet if you just want to revise your skills.

Round decimals



This week's English is based on the Mission Possible script by Kat Pennington from the Talk4Writing team.  Hopefully by Friday you will be able to write your own adventure story and maybe create a new spy gadget.  


So we will start this week by reminding ourselves about a healthy balanced diet.  You could have a go at planning healthy meals for a day or even a week.  Then, there are activities based around hydration and how much you should drink and finally you could have a go at making your own water infusion.


Enjoy and stay safe.


Mrs Hobbs

What is The Eatwell Guide
