

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together




Good morning smiley How are you today? 


Today I would like to show your parents our special yoga on YouTube (parents type in: cosmic kids yoga). Show them how it's done!!


How did you get on with the plant yesterday? What did you notice? Can you find out what plants need? Do you need the same things as a plant or are you different? Make a list of all the things you need and all the things a plant needs. 


I hope you have managed to get onto Audible to listen to some stories. Fortunately for us Oxford Reading Tree have given us a free code to use to look at e books. 

Oxford Owl 

Class login:  Username micklem   

password: thanks


Log in and have a look around. (Parents red books are in age range 4-5, yellow books are 5-6) The website can read the books to you or you can read the books. Then there are activities to try. Have an explore and let me know how you get on. 



I have also set a few activities on Purple Mash, so have a look at these. One of them is to build a castle. I was wondering if you could look around the house and collect items to build your own castle. Make sure you have a door so Jack can sneak in!! 


Extra activities:

1. Read a book to someone (teddy, pet, daddy, mummy, brother, sister etc).

2. Make your own bed. Check with mummy/ daddy how to do it properly.

3. Put on your favourite song, record yourself dancing and singing to it.

4. Write your FULL name as quick as you can. (see if you can beat yesterday's time!!)

5. Help make lunch. Can you get the correct amount of plates and cups out? Can you help spread/ chop? 



Have a wonderful day! Make sure (if you're well enough) to get some fresh air and go for a walk. 

Enjoy the weekend and remember to stay safe.


I'll speak to you on Monday.


Miss Courtnell blush
