

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 5

Hi Year 5 - fantastic effort keeping up with your at home learning.

As always there's regular Maths and English tasks here every week and plenty of other suggestions below.


We love to see you learning and are happy to help support you get any resources (terrific times tables, spelling lists, reading texts) you might need.



This week I've decided to work on my video making skills (still a bit rusty), but there are videos for English and Maths with activities attached.  If you can't access them and don't have other activities to do, please email me on .


If your child wants further activities, I believe BBC bitesize daily is launching today and should be a great resource with video based lessons.


I also found some videos to go over fractions concepts.  There's loads of videos so take your time.  The first link is less challenging and the second more challenging.  Enjoy your learning. 

Happy Easter

STOP PRESS - new Easter Project

Our topic for next term will be LEISURE in the UK (Leisure is all the things we do with our free time).  Your easter project is to research the story of a sport (FA cup example at the bottom of the page, but please feel free to choose a different sport).


The next two weeks are our Easter Holidays:

Feel free to finish off anything you've started.  If you can I would love to see some of your finished writing, space projects or photos of any world war one projects:


Please send any learning with any questions or messages to


While we are having a break, please feel free to keep active and learning (lots of ideas from the last two weeks). 


It's great to see some of you on the Purple Mash blog.  I'll try to keep popping over there to put up your comments.

Talk soon

Mr. Cuthbert



Good Morning Year 5

and Welcome to learning at home.


I hope you're all looking after yourselves out there.  We talked in the last week about keeping a balance of fun, exercise and learning.  I'll keep updating this site with loads of learning opportunities.  Please pick the ones that work best for you.


If you have any questions, please contact us at  We will be checking this address from 9 to 3:15 Monday to Friday and will try to answer any of your questions.


If you've got any great work or learning to show, please send it to or have a look at the blog on Purple Mash.

Purple Mash


Keep logging in to Purple Mash.  Either check out the to-do's I've set or find your own extra activities.  It's been great for me to see your learning and I really enjoyed playing your website games.

Some activities are from Twinkl with permission during this period of school closure.