

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Thursday 7.01.21

7th January 2021


Good morning Year One,

Welcome to another day either at home or at school.  I hope to see you at registration at 10.15.  If not, then this is our work for today.  Remember if you have any questions, you can either ask me at registration or email me on


English: Read through the story of Jack and the Beanstalk again.  Go through the story with your puppets and/or story map from yesterday.  How much did you remember?  Can you use words to connect the story such as, first, next, then, after that, finally?  These are called time adverbs and they sequence a story together.  Can you remember the actions for some of them?  We used them when we told the story of 'Mr Big'.

I would like you to fill in a story sheet which I have uploaded.  If you don't want to print it then just use the headings on a piece of paper.  You can send your work to me on the email address.


Maths: you have problem solving challenges.  


Phonics: look at the worksheets.  Again don't print them if you don't want to.  


The next songs for Jack and the Beanstalk: 'And the beanstalk grew' -

and 'He went higher'


See you at registration tomorrow morning.


Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Stokley smiley



