

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 2


Dear Parents and Children,


It is wonderful to be back in school with the children and I am delighted to be their teacher for a second year.

I am lucky to be joined by Miss Fahy, Mrs Browne, Mrs Rose and Miss Evans over the course of each week too.

Every day the children will need in school:

  • correct uniform and shoes named
  • named coat
  • named water bottle
  • named wellington boots
  • their reading book and reading record.


We will visit the library once a week.  The children will be able to bring home a book of their choosing to share will you, as well as, reading their reading book with you.  Please sign their reading record book to show that you have heard your child read.  If your child has moved on to chapter books, they are encouraged to read a few chapters a night rather than the whole book!


Homework is on the Seesaw App which we used previously in lockdown.  Homework is set on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday.  If you have any problems with accessing the on-line work, then please let me know.

If you have lost your log-in and password, I will be happy to print it for you.


P.E. is currently on Thursdays and Fridays.  Children need to come to school wearing Micklem P.E. Kit and trainers.  Jogging bottoms and a warm fleece/sweatshirt will be needed as we will be outside whatever the weather.   


If you need to contact me please do so via the office phone number or email.  Unless it is an emergency, I will get back to you at the end of the working day.

I look forward to another fantastic year!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Stokley



Helpful Websites:

Maths: ICTgames


Times Tables:   Times Table Rockstars:


Reading: Oxford Owl

User name: micklem    Password: thanks


Phonics: Phonics Play

User name: micklem   Password: purple


Reference: DK Find Out!




