

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together




Hello Year 2,

It's a brand new week!


This week we will be carrying on with learning all about time in Maths and trying to use time as we would in our own lives, to measure how long things take.


Over the week you will find some extra things to do on Purple Mash if you would like to have a go, they are all linked with this weeks learning.


In Maths I would like you to have the clocks you made last week ready to practise with as you work through the powerpoint. There is a lot of new learning today, so make sure you stop the video and try things out.

You activity is ready for you and there are 3 different sheets. Do one today and one tomorrow and see how you get on. Any problems tell me and I will try to help.

There is also a time bingo game to play if you would like to.smiley


In English this week, we will be learning all about instructions. We have read and written instructions before, so I hope that you can remember some things about them. This week, we are going to become instruction experts!


When you work through the English powerpoint you will find a link to a video. I have put it here for you too, to make it easier for you. Don't look yet!


Have a lovely day guys and enjoy being creative!

Mrs Cavender wink


Still image for this video

Telling the time in 5 minute intervals.mp4

Still image for this video