

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


We had lots of fun learning about Halloween and carried out lots of spooky activities! We talked about different sized pumpkins and put them in size order, we explored green goo with creepy crawlies hidden in it, made paper plate pumpkins, scooped rice into pumpkin pots and dressed up as witches and wizards.  We particularly enjoyed reading Meg and Mog stories.

EYFS Links

  • Personal Social and Emotional development; trying new activities
  • Maths; talking about size and shape
  • Literacy; enjoying a range of stories
  • Expressive Arts and Design; creating paper plate pumpkins, exploring paint and using tools such as glue and scissors.
  • Understanding the World; Using senses to investigate pumpkins, finding out about celebrations
  • Physical development; banging golf tees into pumpkins, controlling mark making tools and lifting heavy pumpkins.
  • Communication and Language.


The children also demonstrated lots of different Characteristics of Effective Learning; showing us how they learn not just what they learn.  For example, solving problems, thinking of ways to do things and explore the world around them using their senses.  What a lot of lovely learning!
