

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


23rd June 2020

Dear Year One,

Happy Tuesday to you!

In English, we are making our plan still.  I would like you to choose 3 fruits for you animals to steal in your story.

Use the Handa word bank to help you or think of your own favourites.  Draw each fruit onto your story map.  I would like you to think how you could describe them e,g, tangy, sweet, delicious but also what the fruits look like too e.g. spiky, red, rough, smooth.

Can you write a caption for each fruit? If I had an apple.....I could write.....a red, shiny apple.  Once you have your captions you can use them to label your fruits on your story map.  You should now have 2 characters, 3 animals and 3 fruits on your story map.

Maths is loaded for you below.

I hope you enjoy your learning today.

Take care,

Mrs Stokley smiley

Tuesday maths (3).mp4

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