

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 3

Welcome to year 3!


Mrs Byrne, Miss Varney TA, Mrs Browne and Miss Evans

P.E days are Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure your children's P.E kits are in school every day.

Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and is due in on a Tuesday.



Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school everyday.  They are expected to have their kit in school everyday.  Homework is a spelling related activity and Mathletics using the login in their homework books.  Occasionally, there will be a homework activity linked to topic or Science.


Reading - All children have a book from the Year 3 book corner to read.  They should be coming home daily with their reading record. If your child would like to bring in their own book from home, this is fine but it is their responsibility to look after it.  Please make sure your child is either reading to an adult at home or reading independently. It is expected that your child reads to an adult at least 3 times a week.  Please sign their record when they have read to an adult and children may record when they have read independently.  Prizes will be given for the most books read at the end of term.







As with many things, continued practice of maths skills will support children's learning and enable them to further understand key skills.  Mathletics is most effective when used regularly; part of the children's homework will consist of completing tasks that have been set based on their learning.  However, it is important that they use it at other times as well: challenging themselves by trying new skills and different games and activities.  This is one way they can show that they are taking responsibility for their learning.

The children enjoyed the workshop and completed activities such as, painting Greek vases, making mosaics and wax tablets