

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together



Dear Year One,

Well, Olly had a lovely birthday yesterday and the confetti card really made him jump when it exploded!  It was very funny.  We had lots of pizza and cheesecake so we were full up and happy.

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine we had yesterday.  The sky was a beautiful blue colour, wasn't it? 

Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess has a brother called Fergus and he has written a poem.  It is loaded up below.  Read it and then see if you can work out the riddles.  Good luck!

The next sequence in our Fractions is loaded up below too.  You have all been working really hard and I am very proud of you.

Take care,

Mrs Stokley smiley


Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess

Learning Sequence 32 Thursday.mp4

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