

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Tuesday 26th May

Good morning year 4


I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine, I think we have another week of sun this week.  We are lucky that at least we have been having nice weather during the lock down.  


We are going to start with English this week.  We are going to look at explanation texts and firstly, I would like you to watch the youtube video of Wallace and Gromit.

Cracking Contraptions - The Turbo Diner

Tue english.mp4

Still image for this video


This week we are going to look at Roman numerals.  Watch the power point and have a go at the challenge.


Tue Maths .mp4

Still image for this video

For a bit of fun!

As mentioned earlier, my children took part in a virtual cub scout camp.  Here are a few activities for you to try.  

Enjoy and stay safe.

Mrs Hobbs

