

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


The Iron Man's Challenge (chapter 5) part 1

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The Iron Man and Hogarth have obviously come up with a clever plan to defeat the Space Bat Angel Dragon.  They must have explained it to everyone (the workers at the scrapyard, the ship, and the engineers).

Today I would like you to write some instructions: The Iron Man and Hogarth's instructions on how to defeat the Space Bat Angel Dragon.

They could start like this:

First, we will have to transport the Iron Man across the world to Australia.

As he is so big, the workers at the scrapyard will have to disassemble the Iron Man piece by piece and he will need to be taken to the docks so each piece can be put on a boat.



Time unit conversions

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Maths challenge - converting between seconds, minutes and hours. Please only complete the right level of challenge. ch1=1 star, ch3=3 stars on the sheet.

HISTORY - Friday is VE Day.  What does this mean?  Find out more through research or completing the activities linked below.