

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Hello Year 2!

Did you have a lovely half term? I hope so. I really enjoyed being in my garden, where I have discovered some amazing animals which I will share with you later in the week! I am trying to grow some vegetables using the seeds from the things I have eaten. How are your seeds growing? Maybe I can take some photographs and share them on the blog.


So, today is the start of a new half term! Some of you may be in school, while your parents return to work, but I know most of you are still working and learning at home. I am looking forward to hearing from you all again on the blog!


Today we are going to start a new story called Tad. I really hope you enjoy the story. I love the illustrations, I wonder what you will think. For English today I would like you to answer some questions about the story. Mostly these are just for talking about with one or two to write an answer for. I hope you like the story!


There is some Science to do today which is all about animals like Tad. On the sheet there are some video links for you to enjoy while you are learning. Maths on telling the time today will be all about remembering what we have already learnt before we go on to some new learning .


I am setting some tasks which link to our learning on Purple Mash over the week. You can do these if you would like to, it's up to you. Also, if you didn't do the STEM project over half term, it is still here on our learning area and you might like to have a go at the activities. They are great fun! 


I hope you really enjoy the new learning this week - I have had fun planning it for you!

Have a great day,

Mrs Cavendersmiley

Tad Science


Still image for this video

Maths - Telling The time

Still image for this video