

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

The Governing Body

Welcome to the Governor Pages of our Website


So What Do We Do?


While the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team have overall responsibility for the management and running of the school on a day to day basis, the governors are responsible for matters of policy. We meet to discuss areas such as finance, personnel, the curriculum, premises and maintenance. Additionally, there are separate committees, with each meeting at least one a term.

- The Resources Committee reviews and monitors staff and deals with matters relating to adults within school as well as finances, health and safety, new building projects, refurbishment and maintenance. 

- The Curriculum Committee monitors how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced, considering how well the children learn and how it could be further improved. 


Governors spend time in school speaking to leaders, staff and children.  They use this time to monitor how the school is performing with regards to the key actions in the School Development Plan, as well as providing support and challenge to leaders.  Governors visit individually and on termly Governor Days. 


The governors welcome feedback from parents, pupils and staff. If there are any particular issues or areas of interest which you feel the governors should be aware of then please let us know - it's your school and we're your governors - let's talk! Your Chair of Governors, Kay Shah, is often on the playground as well as your parent governors, Suzy Carter, Dee Norman and Kit Wales,  - please come and speak to us in person.   
