

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Wednesday 24 June

Good morning year 4


I wonder how many of you had fish fingers for tea after yesterdays activities?  We're halfway through another week of learning.  Still missing you all but it is nice to get messages and see what you are up to on the blog.  



You know it!  Watch the video, have a go at the sheet and challenge yourself with the problem of the day or try the alternative sheet or bbc bitesize.

Pounds and pence


Today's activity is all about creating your own character profile.  If you prefer you can draw your character and just write bullet points.  



The focus today is move more.  There is a video about staying active at home and some different activities to record any physical activity.  There is a fun challenge to do with a sibling or grown up and a family tracker to see who does the most exercise. 


Enjoy and stay safe.


Mrs Hobbs

Staying active at Home
