

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Good morning Year 2,


Remember to check on the Sports Week page - what is your challenge today?


It's Friday again and we have had a very busy week of learning and activity! I hope that you enjoyed learning all about the Olympics and next summer, when you are in Year 3, Mrs Parkin Byrne will be amazed how much you know about Tokyo 2021! I wonder if any of you think that one day you might like to be an athlete who could compete in the Olympic games. If you compete in an Olympic games you are called and Olympian. If you could be an Olympian which sport would you compete in? Would you be a runner, a jumper, a swimmer, a cyclist or maybe a thrower?  Have a think and draw a picture for me. Would you be willing to train and persevere? Maybe this is something you could aspire to for the future!


Have you managed to solve the Maths Mystery? I have put the answers up for you to check! Hope you enjoyed doing it!


Today, your reading activity is to create a board game! Follow the instructions and enjoy!


We haven't done any activities on Purple Mash for a little while, so I have set some 2Dos for today! You can paint some sporting pictures. If you are using an ipad, maybe you could do some activities and time each other. Find the clock on the home screen and then select stopwatch. You could time how long it takes you to run a distance or how many skips you can do in a minute maybe. I am sure that you will have some great ideas!


Whatever you are doing this weekend I hope you have a lovely time!

Mrs Cavender wink




