

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Morning, another beautiful day!
So today I would like you to do some maths! 

If you have a dice, can you roll it and then make the same pattern with small toys or coins for example? Can your child recognise the number without counting the dots?
 You could then try writing the numerals on paper and matching the numeral to the amount of dots rolled.

Do you have any counting books? For example ‘Ten little dinosaurs’ or ‘Five wriggling wiggling caterpillars’. Read them together and encourage your child to use their fingers  to count down every time a character goes or comes back.

Log onto BBC Nursery Rhymes and find the counting songs. 

And also count every thing today! Can you count forks for dinner? Biscuits, count your toys as you tidy?

Have fun and enjoy the sunshine. It definitely helps when the sun shines.

Mrs Rawson
