All of our Reception and KS1 children are entitled to free school meals. In order for your child to be entitled to free school milk you must be entitled to benefit related free school meals and must make an application as detailed below.
However did you know that if you are entitled to benefit related free school meals the school receives extra funding? This funding can make a real difference to the children's lives and attainment in school. If you are eligible for benefit related free school meals this does not mean your child has to take meals everyday at school (although we would encourage every child to have a hot lunch). If you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit please make an application. Your child may also be entitled to other educational benefits. For further information please visit the link at the bottom of this page or phone 0300 123 4084 between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, or between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Saturday.
How to apply:
Phone: 0300 123 4048