Morning Year One!
How are you today?
I am putting some activities about money on the website today. We haven't covered this in class yet but I thought you could have a go at identifying each coin and adding them together. Can you order the coins in terms of value? Remember the bigger the coin does not mean the bigger the value e.g. the 5p coin is smaller than the 2p coin but is actually worth more! What would you rather have? 2 sweets or 5 sweets?!
I am also putting a picture up for you to write some sentences. Say out loud what you want to write first and then sound out as you write. Describe the picture with at least two sentences. Can you add some amazing describing words? Or challenge yourself by adding an 'and'.
Don't forget to try Purple Mash (email and text sent to you for passwords etc) and Oxford Owl (password written in the front cover of your reading record book). These websites are good fun!
Bye for now
Mrs Stokley
Morning Year One!
How are you today? I've putting some activities on here and I've also put some phonics and Science onto Purple Mash too if you want to look on that website.
I thought you might like to learn about how honey is made. We are always saying how thankful we are for bees and you can find out why. You could draw a picture or write some sentences in your exercise book.
There are also activities about finding a half of a number or shape. Pick which activity you like and have a go. If you can't print it then just copy the shape into your book.
We have had a lovely time in class performing poems. I have put two poems on the website today. Have a go at reading them out loud. You could put on a show for your family!
Enjoy the sunshine and I'll be in touch tomorrow...
Bye for now
Mrs Stokley
Mrs Stokley is learning how to use this site and expanding her brain!! I put some documents on which I now know you cannot open. Oops! My mistake and I will sort it out for you today.
Sorry children!
Mrs Stokley
Morning Year One
Have you been enjoying the sunshine? My house is very old and it was warmer outside than in the house!
Parents - please do not feel you have to complete all the activities every day. The children are very welcome to or pick the activities they like the best.
While you're outside why don't you go on a bug hunt? Remember bugs like living underneath logs and stones so ask a parent if they can help you. What are your predictions? What do you think you'll find? Then draw and label your bugs. Were you right with your guesses?
You should all have been emailed your Purple Mash log-ins by now. Go to the website and register with your parent email and parent code. Then you should be able to enter your child's username and password. The children can do the activities I have added or just go to the search bar and type in something they like e.g. pirates and complete those activities. It's a great site. I will put something on there a couple of times a week.
Don't forget you can go on the Phonics Play website and practise your phonics by playing the different games. The username is micklem and the password is purple. The site is also offering access using the username march20 and the password home.
Here's a story starter for you to try for today:
Once upon a time, in a deep dark wood, there lived a ...
Can you carry the story on? Who lives in the wood? A person or animal? What does their house look like? Are they a kind character or an evil character? What do they do in the woods all day? Can you describe what your character looks like?
I'm adding a ladybird and some spots for the children to print off (if you can). The children need 10 spots and then they can practise their number bonds to 10 e.g. 8 spots one side and then 2 spots the other side. Can they then write the number sentence?
If you don't have a printer they could draw a big ladybird and then use cheerios, buttons, little bits of lego or anything that can be counted instead.
I will be in touch to say hello again tomorrow.
Take care,
Mrs Stokley
Hello Year One,
How are you today? We have been having some sunny days so I thought you might like to do some learning outside.
Can you make a mud pie? Mud pies are messy and brilliant! Can you decorate it with sticks, leaves or flowers? Put your fingers in it - how does it feel? Can you write some sentences to describe it?
My mud pie feels....
Here are some words you might pick - cold, squishy, amazing or disgusting!
Can you remember when we made trails to follow at school? Make a trail with sticks, stones or leaves for a member of your family to follow. What will they find at the end? A treat?!
If you have daisies in your garden you could make a daisy chain. If you have lots of snails you could make a snail race or sit and draw one - take care to show all it's features like the shell pattern and it's feelers.
You could make a piece of art with anything that you can find in the garden. Enjoy being outside
I wondered if you would like to play on The Great Fire of London Game again? Just type that into a search engine and then you can play the game. It's good fun and you can learn about what happened too.
I have now put some activities on Purple Mash for you to enjoy. Once you get your log-in you can get going.
I will be in touch again tomorrow.
Bye for now
Mrs Stokley
Morning Year One,
Here are some activities for you to try today.
Parents - please don't waste money by printing anything off unless you want to. Just take a photo of the screen with your phone or Ipad or let your child have access to your laptop. This work won't be marked.
Can you go into your garden and find some sticks and see if you can make the 2D shapes? Or you could draw a picture using the shapes e.g. a house, or a car? How many different shapes can you use?
Can you look around your house and see if you can find any 3D shapes? Remember when we found dice and they were cubes?
Why don't you be a weather watcher while you are away from school? Check the weather each morning and afternoon. Then you can copy the chart and fill it in each day.
Joe Wicks is going to do a P.E. lesson every day at 9.00 am on his You Tube channel. I have written your log-ins for Numbots and Oxford Owl (a reading site) in the front of your Reading Record Books (orange). Plus you can go on the Twinkle site for free (I think Miss Ormonde gave you the password for that in her letter).
I'll be in touch again with you tomorrow. Don't forget to keep reading and practising your handwriting.
If you need to contact me, my email is year1@micklem.herts.sch.uk. I will be checking emails between 9.00 am - 3.15pm each day.
Goodbye for now,
Mrs Stokley
We are lucky enough to now have Purple Mash, a great online learning site, for our school. Your login will sent by email. Follow the guide below and enjoy using all the exciting resources!
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has access to Purple Mash, a whole world of fun and exciting learning opportunities in one safe place.
What is Purple Mash?
Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by Primary aged children in the classroom and at home.
Find out more here: https://2simple.com/parents
What should you do first?
To begin with, it’s a good idea to log in to Purple Mash with your child.
We suggest the following:
-Familiarising yourself with the menu icons.
-Looking at any set tasks that have been given to your child (2Dos)
-Finding out about Class Blogs and Display Boards accessible via the Sharing Icon
-Exploring the grammar, maths and spelling activities which match to the National Curriculum
-Play one of many fun, educational collaborative games such as 2Race
-Delve into the Science area and find out about all the areas of Science it covers
-Investigate the Topics area to support securing their knowledge of the wider curriculum
-Tour the Computing area trying out some of the tools such as 2Code, 2Go and Logo
-Get creative in the Tools section, from making an animation to building a printable 3D model
-Dive into Serial Mash (an online library of books)
-Learn through play in Mini Mash (For children aged 3 to 5).
How can you get more involved?
As a parent, you can find out about your child’s learning on Purple Mash and support them beyond the classroom by registering
with Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows you to easily see the learning your child has been doing on Purple Mash, including any
comments on work from teachers, homework (2Dos), rewards and so much more. You will never miss out on being informed of
your child’s learning as Parent Portal sends all registered users a weekly digest email. You can start using Parent Portal today
by following the 3 simple steps below.
Step 1:Enter URL on your child’s login card.
Step 2:Click ‘Register parent’.
Step 3:Enter the ‘Parent Code’ on your child’s login card and follow additional instructions.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance.
Happy Purple Mashing