Hello Year 2,
Here we are at the start of a new week! I spoke to Mr Maher and he has planned some special activities for everyone this week because it is usually our Sports Week. So, this week, whether you are at home or at school we will be doing some sport. There will be chances to do the same activities as all the children who are in school and send in your scores as part of a whole school competition. How exciting is that? In the documents today I have added the letter from Mr Maher which tells you exactly what is happening and how to take part. Every day you need to check in on the Sports Week section in school closure to see what your daily challenge is - have fun joining in with all your friends at school! Also Mr Swift would like you to try this challenge to win a Blue Peter Badge! Click here to find out more:
So this week, all our learning will have a sports theme. There will be lots of sports problem solving in Maths and you will need to use your amazing reading skills to help you follow the instructions. We will also be learning all about the Olympics...what do you know already?
Today in English we are going to start the week with a reading challenge. You will need a tablet or an ipad and we will be using Oxford Owl:
Class login Username: micklem Password: thanks
You can choose what you do from the Nought and Crosses activity. I hope you learn lots about sports and enjoy sharing what you have learnt with your friends and family!
For Maths today, I would like you to start the Maths Mystery Sports Day. This challenge has 5 clues and every day I would like you to have a go at solving one clue. You will need all your Maths skills! There are 3 challenge choices, so have a look and choose the one that you think suits you best.
Today will be an introduction to the Olympic Games. Watch the video and see how much you can find out about what these are. Remember to stop the video to read the information as you go. If you can, read this with a friend or an adult and then you can talk about what you learn as you go. Try to remember what you have found out because there will be a quiz tomorrow! Now there is a sports challenge for you to have a go at. Time to get your body working!
I hope you have a lovely week and are already looking forward to the exciting challenges ahead!
Mrs Cavender