The School Day
- For Nursery children, the school day begins at 9.00am and ends at 12pm (15 hours per week).*
- The school day begins at 8:55am and all the children are expected to be in school, suitably equipped and ready to learn by this time. The school day ends at 3:15pm (31 hours, 40 minutes per week).
- The main gate is open at 8.45am for children to come into classrooms.
- The playground gates are open at 7.55am for Breakfast club and closed at 8.05am. They are re-opened at 8.45am.
- In the event of a child’s absence, parents / carers are asked to contact the school before 9.00am informing us of the reason. It is essential that parents / carers inform the school of the reason for any absence or lateness. This has to be recorded in the class register, which is a legal document, subject to scrutiny.
- Children arriving late, after registration is completed, will be logged as an ‘unauthorised absence’.
- Parents / carers are informed of the number of unauthorised absences (absence without an appropriate reason) at the end of each academic year.
- Jewellery such as earrings, rings and necklaces are dangerous and should not be worn at school. The school cannot be held responsible for watches, jewellery or any other valuable items belonging to your child. If earrings are worn they must be studs which the children can remove themselves.
- Children in KS2 may bring in a healthy snack such as fruit if they wish to do so, for morning break. KS1 children will have fruit provided. Children are not allowed to have crisps, chocolates or sweets.
- Children are allowed water in a plastic container in class. Please ensure these are clearly named. Juice and fizzy drinks are not permitted.
- Children will not be allowed to leave the premises except at the end of the school session unless the school has been informed by the parent/carer requesting permission to do so. Children should be collected by their parents / carers or responsible person and signed out.
- Mobile phones are not allowed except for children who have permission to walk home alone. They must be handed to the class teacher at the start of the day and will be returned at the end of the day.
* As of January 2025 our Nursery will be open from 9.00am to 3.00pm (30 hours per week)