Hello my lovely year 4's
Yesterday I was in school and Miss Courtnell made me ride a nursery bike down the nursery garden hill!! That was a first. When we're back you can laugh at the photograph but in the meantime you can imagine.
Harley has been working hard cooking, baking and building a birdbox. This takes great skill and remember it is still using your maths learning as you need to be accurate with your weights and measuring. I am very impressed with the birdbox and look forward to seeing if any bird families move in.
Stay safe, missing you all.
Mrs Hobbs
It was lovely to hear from some of you again today. Ellis has sent in photos of his handiwork over the past few weeks. I particularly like the Fort, it obviously took patience and attention to detail. Well done Ellis!
I am loving all the different things you have been doing at home. Malachi has been making banana bread, Harley made pizza and I made pastry for the first time. Keep learning and keep sending in your pictures.
Jaltarang! Homemade instrument!
Try it with different materials, plastic cups, glasses (be careful not to hit too hard) and different amounts of water. What other home instruments could you make?
Oxygen for fire! A science experiment!
This is an experiment showing that fire needs oxygen to burn! Varshika and her sister have been busy experimenting.
Varshika and Noah have been busy learning about the history of canals. Did any of you make a model canal boat? Or do any canal artwork? Have you been for a walk along Apsley canal?
Frank has been busy making omelettes....yum! Lee has been digging for dinosaurs and making Indian tea. Kyan, Malachi and Varshika have all been scientists this week. Keep sending in all your pictures!
Varshika has sent in some of her homelearning. It looks like she knows all about the Solar System. Does anyone know the rhyme to help you remember the order of the planets? We also have a rainbow, I love the 5 ways to be happy. Has anyone done a rainbow to put in their window? We have a few up at school.
Malachi has been busy practising his times tables daily and has created his own story about his Pokemon dream. He has been doing some science and history with his brother and experimenting on Purple Mash. He has also started baking so we're looking forward to some cakes when we return to school !
Malachi has been busy again doing Maths and English and the fire in a glass experiment!! He has also decided to pick his own picture from the Pobble365 website so feel free to do the same. Or if you find a project online that you are interested in, write about it, take pictures and share what you did with the rest of the class. It could be with Lego, Minecraft, drawing, now is the time to be creative!