

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


The Micklem Staff have made a short video message for you all, because we miss you. Hope you enjoy it. Click on the link below the picture to go to the video area of the website

The Iron Man - the rest of chapter 5

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What a wonderful end to the story and what a lot of reading today!
Didn't you like how bicycles and music feature so much in the last part of the story (it's almost like I chose it!).
Your task today is to find me a music suggestion. What I would like is a suggestion for Music of the Spheres - beautiful music that can bring peace to the world. Once you've found it, send me a link or put a note on the blog and you can write reasons why you think it is Music of the Spheres. I've put my choice below.

Time duration problems

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How long? Time problems. Please only complete the right level of challenge. Challenge 1= 1star sheets, Challenge 3=3 star sheets.
