

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! We’re so excited to have you in the class! 😊 Ms. Sentance will be your class teacher, and Miss Szymkiewicz will be there supporting all week as the teaching assistant. You'll also see Mrs. Potts throughout the week, and she’ll be teaching on Thursdays and Fridays. It's going to be an amazing year, and we can't wait to learn and grow together!


During Autumn 1, PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. This is because the children will be having weekly rugby sessions run by a rugby coach on Thursdays (12.9.24 till 17.10.24). After this, PE sessions will be Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a full Micklem PE kit, including appropriate trainers. 


Year 5's Forest School sessions will be during the Spring 2 half-term. Further details will be provided closer to the time.



Please read with your child daily and record this in their reading record. Homework will be set on purple mash each Friday and due back on Wednesdays. Children can also use spelling shed, times table rockstar and reading plus at home for extra learning.



Children are expected to read daily at home and record this in their reading records (signed by an adult). Children are provided with a book which has been pitched appropriately to their reading level using a colour banded system. In school, we have daily guided reading sessions, reading across the whole curriculum and we also share a book for pleasure every day for fifteen minutes before lunch.


Maths at Micklem follows the White Rose Maths scheme. In Autumn term, we focus on securing our understanding of place value with numbers up to 1,000,000, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and conclude with an introduction to fractions. Spring term will introduce decimals and percentages, statistics and perimeter and area, whilst further consolidating fractions and multiplication and division. Finally, Summer term will cover shape, negative numbers, position and direction and converting units.

At Micklem, our English lessons are predominantly taught through the use of books, both fiction and non-fiction. This year, the children will read lots of exciting books including Wonder, The Boy in the Tower and Michael Morpurgo's version of Beowulf. From this, they will then read, analyse, explore and create a range of fiction and non-fiction text types including letters, news reports, adventure stories and poems.



Throughout this year, children will explore a range of topic including earth and space, living things and their habitats, forces and materials and their properties. In each of these, the children will have regular opportunities to work scientifically. This means they will be planning and carrying out different types of scientific enquiries linked to teach topic.

Useful websites and links:

Thank you for all your support and we look forward to a wonderful year of learning!

Ms Sentance and Miss Szymkiewicz smiley
