Good morning year 4
Did any of you make your own water infusion yesterday? We discovered we have a lemon plant in our garden so we infused water with the leaves from the plant and some lemon, it was very refreshing.
Watch the video and try the activity sheet and problem of the day or of course the alternative sheet. Just to remind you that if you prefer you can visit bbc bitesize for their daily maths lessons.
Today's activity is about identifying characteristics, you can have fun comparing which character you are most like, what about your grown ups? Are they like Dodgy Rodger or Raucus Reggie?
Today's focus is 'where food comes from' so I have put a couple of videos for fish fingers and broccoli. There are lots of ideas on the BNF website if you want to watch more. This is the link; I have put a couple of quizzes and activities about how to find out where food comes from and what is in it and maybe you could try making your own fish fingers?
Enjoy and stay safe.
Mrs Hobbs