Throughout the Spring Term our Topic is Toys. The children started the term by looking at Thomas the Tank Engine. They have made their own trains out of art resources and they have made and performed a Thomas song for a competition. Go to the gallery page to see the video and photos.
Important Information
Year 1 have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday. All children will need to make sure that they have their PE kits with them on those days. They will need to have indoor and outdoor with them just in case the weather is nice.
Reading books will need to be in the children's book bags everyday. This will allow us to read with as many children as possible and change their books regularly. Library books are changed every Friday morning. These books are chosen by the children and are not based on a scheme.
Homework will be given to the children on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. There is also an expectation that the children will read 5 times a week at home.
Year 1 have got 2 topics this term. We have one History topic and one Geography topic.
We have started this unit by learning about our houses. We have learnt the different types of houses and have decided what type of house we live in. We have also looked at what household objects go into each room.
We have started this topic by writing a list of things we want to know about Hemel Hempstead. We have also looked at our addresses and what each line of our address means. Throughout this unit we will be exploring Warners End and then branch out to the rest of Hemel Hempstead.
If anyone can help us with our topics or has any interesting information then please let us know!