Hi everyone,
Today I am going to finish reading the story of Flat Stanley. You will find the video in the usual place, but before you watch, I have a question for you? How do you think the story will end? Will the problem get sorted out? Will Arthur be friends with Stanley again?
Today in English, I would love it if you could plan another adventure for Stanley - just like we did for the boy and the star, do you remember? I have given you a plan to map out your story and some very special Stanley paper to write it. I wonder what Stanley will do in your adventure? Where will he go and what will happen. Will he be the hero of the story or could it be Arthur? You decide. I can't wait to read them!
Carry on with the Maths I set yesterday. It will give you a chance to practise all the different strategies you have learnt to multiply and divide. Any problems - just let me know.
I hope you have been able to start your bean project, but if your bean was lost in the post or got broken, I have another idea! When you eat an apple or pear, chop a pepper or a squash or even eat a tomato, you will find seeds! So your challenge to grown a plant, doesn't have to be a bean - try growing an apple tree or a pepper plat! How a go and maybe on Monday there may be some changes? We will have to wait and see!
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Cavender