

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

w/c 9th November

Maths - Multiplication and Division

Strategies for learning including doubling, halving and associative and distributive law. 

English - Persuasive texts (The King who banned the dark).

The King Who Banned The Dark

The King Who Banned The Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth Read by Karen Tulloch

Guided Reading 


Science - The Digestive System

RE - Hinduism.  

Diwali is the Hindu festival of light and this year will be celebrated on Saturday 14th November.  The children will be looking at the origin of the festival and the story of Rama and Sita.  You can find story on BBC bitesize.

Stone Age to Iron Age

This half term we will be looking at farming techniques and tools and how they changed over time.  This week we will be looking at the significance of Stonehenge and trying to recreate our own stone circles.  
