Welcome to Year 3!
A very warm welcome to all parents and carers of children in Year 3. I am delighted to be teaching in Year 3 this year, with Miss Batchelor and Miss Fahy joining me. We aim to make sure every child is happy, safe and to support them in reaching their full potential across the curriculum.
Reading is essential in Year 3, just as much listening to an adult read and discussing stories as listening to your child read. Asking lots of questions supports their comprehension, builds confidence and is great for social and emotional development.
In Maths we learn practically and pictorially – with objects and images to support our learning. There is always an opportunity for Maths, in school and at home. Counting as high as we can, counting in groups, pairs of shoes, arrays of raisins, anything! Playing games on car journeys is a good way to pass the time – we have a big focus on times tables in Year 3 and children are expected to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of the year.
In English we will be increasing our understanding or purpose and audience for our writing. We will learn how to use inverted commas and start organising our work into ideas ready for paragraphs. We have lots of exciting books to look at in Year 3 and the children will have opportunities to write fiction and non-fiction pieces as well as acting out our ideas, creating story boards, looking at illustrations, characterisation and much more.
In Year 3 we have daily spelling and handwriting practice and the children will be using pens, 'joined-up' or cursive writing. Weekly spellings will be set as homework alongside activities on Times Table Rockstars,Spelling Shed and Purple Mash. Homework will be set on a Friday and due the following Wednesday. All logins are available on the inside of your child's orange reading log.
Our Foundation Subjects are also incredibly important to us and will be detailed in our termly curriculum leaflets. Year 3 will be taught Music, Forest School and French by specialist teachers this year as well as many opportunities to work with our specialist PE teachers.
In Autumn 1, PE is on Tuesdays/Wednesdays and Fridays (rugby). Please make sure your child has full PE kit, labelled and in school for every lesson please.
If you need any further information or have any questions, please catch me at the end of the day. If an emergency, please contact the school office.
Thank you for your support,
Mr Frost