DESC's outreach service works with all of the Dacorum primary and secondary schools in a preventative way, to support students and enable them to remain successfully in school. They support the transfer of students in managed moves between schools and ensure they are supported on entry into their new school. They work with individuals, small groups and whole classes, and offer advice and strategies to staff in schools, as well as working with families and other professionals. They offer a range of staff training, and facilitate behaviour forums for primary and secondary staff to share good practice, network and gain up to date knowledge and updates on behaviour-related topics.
They are very excited and proud to have been designated a National Teaching School in August 2015 and to have gained National Support School status.
Their two mantras 'Be the best you can be' and 'Inspiring Futures' are echoed in all their work with young people, working with them to overcome their barriers to learning, re-engage them and support them in their next steps.
“The commitment, dedication and enthusiasm, you and your staff show in working with young people is impressive” Children’s Commissioner for England November 2012