

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Monday 11th May

Good morning year 4


Welcome to another week of learning!  If you're not sure about the learning I put on the website, please try and read at least 15 minutes everyday - read to an adult or a sibling or even out loud, practice your times tables and your year 3/4 spellings.  If any of you need another reading book or a copy of the spellings just let myself or the school know and we can arrange for you to collect them.


In addition, you can choose optional learning on Purple Mash, BBC bitesize and weblinks that I have found online and think you might like.  


Let's move onto Maths for today.


This week we are going to go over interpreting data (graphs and charts) and later in the week some fluency work on addition and subtraction.  Please watch the attached power point and choose a challenge.  All 3 are on one sheet today but you do not have to do all three.  I have put a couple of optional challenges for those of you who would like to do more.



Maths Mon.mp4

Still image for this video



Please watch the presentation and then have a go at the Metaphor worksheet, if you want to, you can have a go at the extension sheet and / or see if you can find any poetry that uses metaphors and send me examples.  

English Metaphor.mp4

Still image for this video
Have a look at the attached slide 'Odd One Out' - can you give me a reasonable answer, which one you think is the odd one out and why?  Discuss with a grown up or a sibling to see what they think and why. 
I have attached the sheet of fun activities from last week, in case some of you are still interested and I also found another one that sets out an activity a day.  These are optional learning suggestions so do not feel you must complete each activity.

How to make a flick football game | Art Ninja | CBBC

Enjoy, stay safe and I look forward to reading your blogs.


Mrs Hobbs
