Good morning Year 6!
This is the last time you will hear from me on the website for two whole weeks as we are now officially moving into your Easter Holidays! I know that this is probably not how you wanted to spend your break but do what you can to make the most of it. I hope that you find a way to relax and enjoy your time with the people around you. Just because I am not setting you any work doesn't mean you can't do any. Make sure you are reading and going on Times Table Rockstars regularly and if you want to finish off any bits that you haven't got round to then that is fine.
On Purple Mash, I have set you a persuasive poster about exercise. Channel your inner Joe Wicks and persuade people to get active.
I have had so many different types of story being sent to me it is brilliant. If you haven't quite finished it or haven't sent it, I would really like to see your ideas so make sure you try and get it finished and sent to me.
And by popular demand...another arithmetic paper to be getting on with!
Have a great day Year 6 and enjoy your break!
Mr. Swift