Monday 27th April
Good morning everyone! How are you all? I hope you had a lovely weekend.
From this week we are going to be starting something new. I am going to (try!!) and upload or direct you towards activities linked to Phonics, Maths and an additional activity each (ish) day. Most of these activities will be on Tapestry- if there is a problem with this let me know.
Below are all the activity sheets you might need. Please don't worry if you can't manage it all or are finding it difficult- do what you can!
For the phonics activity your child will need their whiteboards and pens (from your phonics pack I sent home), you can use your sound mats to help you (I have uploaded a copy of these below (in phonics) so you can use that if you can't find yours) and you will need a quiet space so you can hear clearly.
The video or documents will be always available so you can pause, go back and re-watch as needed. Some activities may be more tricky or more easy for some of you, but I will try to include a simplified challenge/ an extension so please use these if needed.
It would be really helpful to hear back from you about how you are doing. You could send some photos of work or a video of you doing your activities or just a little message. That way I know what I need to do for next week. I will put a Tapestry Observation up to talk through how to upload your own observation.
I can see lots of you are looking at Tapestry each week, but I'm not sure if you are managing the tasks or if they are too easy etc. Please don't worry if you are not getting everything done or if on some days you are not getting any home schooling done- it's all very new and testing for everyone!!
Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. Looking forward to hearing from you all!!
Miss Courtnell