

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Home Learning

Welcome to Year 2's Home Leaning Page.


If for any reason your child is unable to come to school we are hoping that they can continue to learn with the class using the resources here.


Each week I will provide a video for Maths and English. There will be an activity to complete each day having watch the video. There will also be some phonic learning for each day and some topic work.


For reading please use the Oxford Owl  and select books from your child's current reading book band.

Class login: Username - micklem and password - thanks


Please send your child's work to me on our class email and then I will be able to give some feedback:


If you have an questions at all please drop me an email.


Sarah Cavender

Hello everyone,


Sorry that you are not with us in school. I hope that although you are at home, you will be able to join in with our learning this week. This week is a special week at school, it is anti-bullying week and we will be talking about bullying and finding out more about it. At Micklem, we are united against bullying and on Monday, we will all be wearing odd socks to tell everyone we don't accept bullying at our school!


In English this week, we will be preparing to be authors. By the end of the week, you will have the chance of create a new story all of your own. It will be a lost and found story like Dogger and Little Beat, but you will create the characters and decide what happens to them! Hopefully, we will be able to share some of them on our website as well as sharing them with the children in Year 1.


In Maths, we will be learning about finding ways to calculate more easily. Using these strategies we may be able to add and take away in our heads! Follow the power point to help you understand the strategies and then try them out. Maybe you could ask an adult to help you or you could show them how much you have learnt!


We are using a new App in Computing, call  Shadow Puppet Edu. Look it up on the APP store and have a play. It is a great way of collecting your photos and telling others about them. Keep your eye on our Twitter and you may see some of our work - we are sure you will be impressed!


In phonics this week, we will be practising the skills we have learnt  so far to read real and alien words. I have added some games and sheets for you to try.


And finally, remember to keep enjoying books. Try out Oxford Owl:

My Class login   Username    micklem     Password    thanks


Enjoy learning and we hope you will be back soon!


Mrs Cavender  smiley
