

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Exciting news!

This week, Tad has won the Oscar’s Book Prize!

Meet Benji Davies and hear him accept the award.

Hear the story being read by lots of different people who voted for the book to be the winner!


Does anyone know anything about Benji Davies and his other books?

Have a look and then you might like to read or listen to some of his other stories!


English today will be to create a postcard. For Art today, on the front can you create a picture of a frog in the style of Benji Davies? Look carefully at the colours he uses and the way he uses them. If you want to you can make a picture on Purple Mash.

Then, I would like you to pretend to be Tad. Tad is going to write a postcard back to you to let you know how she is and what has happened to her since she got your letter. Let you imagination go wild! I wonder where she has been and who she met... Can she jump really high now? Has she been in any tricky situations? Enjoy writing and I look forward to seeing your finished postcards!


Last of all, practise writing digital times. How are you getting on?

Enjoy the videos and the art work and most of all enjoy your day!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Cavender smiley
