Welcome to year 6
I am so excited to be teaching you again for your last year at primary school. I am sure that alongside Miss Hesketh, Miss Williams and Ms Potts we will have another brilliant year! Our aim for this year is to ensure you all reach your full potential as learners; feel prepared and ready to take on your new adventure in secondary school and to make some more amazing memories.
As you are probably aware, in year 6 the children will sit their SATs tests. These are sat in May and consist of a spelling, grammar and punctuation paper; an arithmetic paper and two maths reasoning papers and a reading paper. Children's writing will also be assessed. We will complete practice papers once per half term to check the children's progress. With this in mind it is important that children do not miss learning, attend any additional learning offered to them and complete their homework.
Homework will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed the following Thursday. We will being using the CGP+ books from the second half of the autumn term. Children are made aware of what pages they need to complete each week and I will also post these on google classroom. The CGP books will also be being used in class and they need to be bought back to school everyday!
Reading is such an important skill and is more than just reading words on a page. Reading has the ability to enhance a child's imagination, develop their ideas when they write and develop their vocabulary. Therefore, children are expected to read, out loud to a parent, three times a week. Their reading record will need to be signed to show that this has been done. In the spring term reading plus (minimum of one book per week) and 30 minute TTRS will also need to be completed. The amount of homework has increased gradually to try and prepare children for the transition to secondary school.
Our PE days are Thursday and Fridays (during autumn this will change slightly due to swimming lessons). Children are expected to have a full micklem PE kit in school and a pair of trainers. Please ensure your child has the correct items.
In English this year we will be looking at a variety of exciting texts. We will look at these texts in detail, draw ideas and vocabulary from them to inform our own writing. This year we will show off the different styles of writing we can produce. Some of which include writing suspense stories based on Skellig; diary entries in role as characters from Letters to the lighthouse and non-chronological reports about the yellow - spotted lizard from holes. Guided reading will allow us to use our 'VIPER' skills to make sure we understand what authors are trying to portray in their writing. We will also be able to magpie vocabulary and ideas from a wider range of texts and be introduced to more diverse reading material.
At Micklem we follow the White Rose maths scheme. In the autumn term we will focus on securing our place value knowledge, formal written methods and fractions. In spring the focus is on ratio, algebra, decimals, area, perimeter, volume and statistics. Summer units focus on shape, direction and position and problem solving. We will also focus on arithmetic, with daily arithmetic sessions.
In year 6 we look at some really exciting science topics! We will be looking at light and how the eyes work. We explore electricity in more detail, setting up our own experiments to see what happens when we increase and decrease the variables in a circuit. In the summer term we look at the circulatory system and how the heart works - if were really lucky we might dissect a heart!
Your last year at primary school should be one to remember and that's why we will be going on more trips! We will: have sports trips, a trip to IWM Duxford to enhance our WW2 learning, make pizzas at pizza express, record documentaries at sky studios and of course have the time of our lives at Ferny Croft!
Useful links
Thank - you for your continued support as always.
The year 6 team