

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 6

Welcome to year 6


Our adults are, Mrs Isufaj, Miss Batchelor and Mrs Potts.  


Our high hopes for learning are that everyone works collaboratively to share their ideas to learn together and develop their skills and understanding.  We are also working on developing the students independence skills ready for the transition into Secondary School.


Classroom information:

We have P.E on a Monday afternoon.

Each week homework is set on Purple Mash and spelling shed on a Friday to be handed in by the following week by Thursday.  The children have reading books that should be read everyday and recorded in their orange reading record books.  Please ensure that these are signed by adults regularly.  

Essential homework is reading, spelling and times tables.  Every half term there is a homework project to complete.  

Be kind. Show Respect. Aim High.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries,

Mrs Isufaj

Year 6 Curriculum Information Leaflets
