

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!



Summer Term


This term our school topic is 'Far Far Away' and for the first part of the term Year 4 will be learning about Africa!

We will be learning through lots of different subjects, including English, Science, Geography, Art and Dance. Look out for examples of our work in the Year 4 Gallery.


Science- learning about the human body. Geoffey the skeleton will be helping us with our learning!

Happy New Year!


Year 4 have had a lovely holiday and are now back at school ready for lots of learning through our new topic 'In the mind's eye'. We have been wondering about lots of things and added some big questions to our wonder wall, such as


Which came first , the chicken or the egg?

What happens if an astronaut takes their helmet off in space?

Who invented grammar?

How do we learn?


We are going to try to answer these during this term!






This week the children have maths and english homework. As usual it is due on wednesday with housepoints available for handing in early. Unfortunately I am unable to add to the website this week, but please ask if you need help or another copy.





 We will no longer be going swimming. There will be P.E lessons in school twice a week, please send your child with both indoor and outdoor P.E kit.

Year  4 have the  had a fantastic first term. We have spent  the whole term learning about World War two and how it affected life in Britain.  We have made and worn wartime accessories, experienced air raids and even have our own Anderson shelter!


In October we went on an amazing trip to RAF Hendon where experienced an air raid, looked at wartime aircraft and even got to dress in RAF uniforms!


In November we had Money Week where we learned about the money used during World War 2, we added up our shopping lists in pounds, shillings and pence and then tried to find the right coins to pay for it! We  also found out about 'Make do and mend' and, after learning to sew, we designed and made our own purses from scrap materials.


In English we used our best persuasive techniques to help Miss Furlong decide what to spend her money on and radio created adverts for 1940s products.


During creative writing week, which was based around our theme of space and aliens. Year 4 made crash helmets with lights for the aliens, recorded their own alien messages in ICT, wrote their own book, made sock puppet aliens and balloon rockets!



These are just a few of the things we have been learning about, have a look in the gallery to see what else we have been up to!


Our alien messages- recorded during creative writing week



Millie and daniel.mp3

mollie zoe.mp3

Nikolai and Jadyn.mp3



tammi and lizzie.mp3
