

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Welcome back year 5 - day 4 of learning at home!

It was great to see some of your learning on Purple Mash.  It reminded me how I'm missing our lessons.  So I made a VIDEO LESSON (two even if you're counting)!

In maths, I'm aware that many of you still aren't confident in written multiplication by two digit numbers.  Please, please, please give this lesson a go - watch the video, try the questions, use a written method, check the answers.  If you get the answer wrong, try the method again and see how you could get the right answer.  When you're more confident try a different challenge.  You could even make your own questions.

Written multiplication - first two levels

Still image for this video

Written multiplication - more challenging levels

Still image for this video

Multiplication challenges

Other learning:

You should still be writing about the Diving Giraffes: today and tomorrow are about planning and writing an explanation about How to high dive like a giraffe.  I hope I get to see some of your writing!

Purple Mash - I've set you 5 to-do's - if you finish them keep going.

Science - complete your presentation about what you know about space.

Computing - programme a game (either in purple mash or using the link in Wednesday's learning).
