

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Year 6

Welcome to year 6

Class teacher - Mrs Parkin-Byrne

Teaching assistant - Mrs Potts

Swimming - Monday

P.E  - Friday

Homework - Set on google classroom set on Monday to be handed in by Friday.  

Half termly projects linked to the current theme

Reading records to be filled in daily and signed by an adult once a week.  We encourage year 6 to read a variety of literature.  Please support this at home as well and share reading with your child.

Spellings - We complete a daily lesson in class and are using a range of strategies to help us remember to spell correctly.  Please support your child by helping them to practice at home.  


It is essential that the children realise the importance of doing their homework. It is good training for Year 7 in Secondary School! 


Times tables rock stars

As with many things, continued practice of maths skills will support children's learning and enable them to further understand key skills.  There will be regular tasks set for the class to complete on rock stars.


As secondary school is fast approaching, we encourage the pupils to be more self-reliant and self-sufficient.  They need to take more responsibility for their own behaviour, learning and progress.  

Useful resources


Year 6 Visit The British Museum - Year 6 spent a day at the British Museum exploring artefacts linked to their history topic - a study of Benin. They also managed to fit in a visit to the Egyptian galleries to revisit a topic they studied when in year 3.

Rainforest Art
