Good morning year 4
Happy Tuesday! I hope you enjoy the activities.
Watch the video and have a go at the activity sheet. Another problem of the day for those who would like more and an alternative worksheet for those finding the home learning tricky.
Today we are going to write a short diary entry for a non-human object. Have a look at the power point and then go and find an object that you can write a diary entry form. If you want to you can email me your diary entries or post them on the blog and we can try and guess what the object is? I have also attached today's spelling challenge - can you find the 9-letter word?
Science and other stuff
Today's learning is about hand hygiene. Some of you may remember the experiment we did during science week to check if we had washed our hands properly. We have a video, a quiz and an activity for you to try.
Finally for today, have a go at some hand art.
Stay safe
Mrs Hobbs