

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Great on-line maths lessons!


I just found this resource where a teacher's made some problem solving videos.  If you look at today's lesson, he shows solutions from yesterday and then sets some other problems.  Don't forget to pause the video when he asks you to practise your skills!

How was yesterday's learning? I hope you enjoyed Joe Wicks' PE lesson.  He's on again today at 9 or you can catch up later in the day.  If not, find something active you can do with your day - yoga and dance work well at home.


Today I'd like you to keep going with our diving giraffe writing.  The second day is to write instructions for diving (can you use technical language like pike, tuck and 360 degrees).  If you want to do extra writing, you could do the same for some of Joe's PE moves.


Reading - please think of 5 questions you would like to ask a character in your book (or if it's non-fiction, ask the author).  Write them down and think what answers the character would give.


Maths - Try the Daily 10 

I found it on year 4's page and it's got loads of fluency activities.  Even better - you can choose your level and how quickly you play.  Think about what activities you need to get better at and find time to practise.


Science - our new topic is Space.  Start working on a presentation or poster (work on paper or computer) about what you already know.  Feel free to do some extra research and (as it should be a clear night tonight), have a go at star gazing.  What can you see?  Which are stars and which are planets?  Can you see anything move?

100 things to do inside part 1 - how many can you do this week?
