

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


Religious Education Curriculum



At Micklem we aim to inspire our pupils’ curiosity to find out about the world and their place in it. Children develop their understanding of their own beliefs as well as the six main religions. They are also given the opportunity to explore, consider and debate wider issues and questions. 




RE is taught as a discrete subject using the Herts agreed syllabus.  Eight different aspects of religion are studied: Beliefs and practice; sources of wisdom; symbols and actions; prayer, worship and reflection; identity and belonging; ultimate questions; human responsibilities and values and justice and fairness. 

Our RE curriculum builds from exploring the children’s own experiences and comparing those to other children. The children are taught of similarities and differences between religions as well as within religions. The curriculum allows the children to make links between religions and use religious ideas to answer philosophical questions. Throughout we teach key religious vocabulary and provide opportunities for children to visit a variety of different places of worship.




A Micklem RE student will develop their ability to think critically and empathically; identify similarities and differences between and within religions, research and answer questions. They will know the key beliefs and practices of the six main religions and how they influence the world around them. A Micklem RE student will develop the ability to communicate this understanding in discussions, presentations, writing and role plays. They will be open minded and tolerant of other people’s beliefs. 

EYFS long term plan

Year 1 and 2 long term plan

Year 3 and 4 long term plan

Year 5 and 6 long term plan
