We want our children to be prepared for the next stage of their education. We aspire for every child to love reading and to engage frequently in reading for pleasure. Research links reading for pleasure to wellbeing and attainment. Where we can, we make links within specific subjects to books, both non-fiction and fiction to further engage children in their learning. We want reading to expose children to vocabulary, particularly what are known as 'tier 2' words, words that are not used commonly in spoken vocabulary. Higher levels of vocabulary are linked to higher attainment. At Micklem, we have planned and sequenced our foundation subject curriculum to give children opportunities to investigate and make meaning of the world around them and to gain the skills, knowledge and vocabulary for this in each subject. We want our children to appreciate our cultural heritage and opportunities for visits and trips are built in to ensure, overtime, children have accessed our rich local area rich in resources such as Roman St Albans, Tudor Hemel Hempstead, the Forest of Ashridge and the chalk escarpments of Dunstable Downs, our national museums and at least one contrasting locality further afield in the United Kingdom. We ensure that we give children the experiences and language necessary for different subjects, and meaningful opportunities to use the skills and knowledge they have gained.
Each subject has clearly mapped the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that different year groups are expected to develop. Learning sequences are planned to revisit and build on previous learning so that it can be recalled and then developed. We recognise that an engaging curriculum supports the attendance, learning and self-belief of a child and endeavour to ensure that all children are engaged in their learning.
Learning sequences last half a term and start by introducing the context for a particular piece of learning, then develop key subject specific skills, vocabulary and knowledge, and finally provide an opportunity for children to contribute to a meaningful discussion around a core question or idea. For example a history learning sequence might start with key chronological knowledge, and then mix development of skills (investigating artefacts) and knowledge (key dates and events), before offering the children an opportunity to discuss the historical significance of an event, or share similarities between then and now.
We use trips, immersive experiences or focus events (e.g. ‘meeting Henry VIII’ at a Living History Day) to support children to engage with a topic and to ensure that all children are enabled to access the learning and any gaps in cultural capital and previous experiences are addressed. Vocabulary is explicitly taught, modelled and used to support children’s ability to share their ideas. This is supported by our Word Aware approach, whereby the use and meaning of a word is unpicked in detail to support further us of the vocabulary across the curriculum. Literacy skills are embedded as children have opportunities to read and research for themselves, discuss, present and write about their learning. Where children find literacy skills challenging, support and scaffolds are given so that they can show the skills and knowledge they do have in the foundation subjects. Varied assessment opportunities are offered so children have a range of different opportunities to show their abilities and skills across different subjects.
As children continue their journey through our foundation curriculum, they build up a bank of knowledge, skills and vocabulary and can start to show greater independence and proactiveness in their learning e.g. choosing how to answer questions, approach creative tasks or work together in a team sport.
Our approach to assessment tracks how children have engaged in a range of evidence and how they are best able to show what they know and can do. We also use Pupil Voice (talking with the children about their learning) to gather further information about the impact of our teaching. We use both of these to identify next steps for children in their learning and any particular support or challenge different children may need next. Subject leader teams work to support all staff in their knowledge and understanding of the content and the pedagogical skills required to deliver it effectively.
To find out more information about a particular subject, please follow the links below, or, if you would like more information about what your child is learning, please speak with their class teacher.
Our staff may use AI generation tools (i.e. to help create teaching resources or to assist with administration tasks), however personal details would not be included and any information produced would be vetted before being accessed by children.
The National Curriculum 2014 is established by the government, and is followed by schools throughout the country. The National Curriculum sets out
• the subjects that are taught in school
• the knowledge, skills, and understanding required in each subject
• the standards or attainment targets in each subject, which teachers use to measure progress and plan pupils’ next steps
• how progress is assessed and reported.
Within the National Curriculum framework, schools are free to plan the teaching and learning of pupils in whatever way best meets the needs of the pupils. Micklem School uses a topic based approach to teaching history, geography, art and design technology. It is through the teaching of the class topic that the children are enabled to develop their skills in using maths, science, computing and English in a practical way. English, maths and science are taught as separate subjects however where they can be these subjects are linked to topic based work.
Please look at our Curriculum pages to find out how each year group is covering the curriculum through topic work and what the children will be learning.
Micklem School provides a variety of reading schemes to suit the needs and interests of our pupils, we believe children need to experience a range and variety of books. We have a refurbished library that is used by the whole school. Each class also has a comprehensive class library.
Phonics is taught using 'Essential Letters and Sounds' (ELS).
Please follow this link to find the national curriculum document on which we base our learning.