

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Thursday 23rd

Hello Year 4


I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.  It is going to be really hot today according to the weather man so don't forget sun cream if you go for your daily exercise.  


As we have been looking at the water cycle.  Try filling a cup or beaker with water, mark on the side where the water is and then put it somewhere safe in the sun (eg. window ledge inside or garden outside).  At the end of the day, mark where the water is and measure the difference.  Did anything happen?  Try it with a square tub or a dish, is anything different if the surface area is larger (the area you see on the top of the water).  Let's be scientists!  


Reading, please make sure you read for at least 20 minutes.  Today we are reading chapter 4 of Firebird and completing worksheet 4.

For maths I have attached the daily activity mats we have been doing this week.  Try and get on TT Rockstars for at least 20 minutes to practise your times tables.  


A few of you have been enjoying the maths extension with mysteries to solve.  This is optional but if you want to have a go, the one for today is particularly tricky.

In English, I would like you to look at the bbc bitesize link below which shows a couple of videos about adverbs.  We have talked about adverbs in class and how they tell the reader 'how' something is being done.  For example; you could say - The boy ran.  If you include an adverb - The boy ran quickly.  It gives the reader more information to picture what is happening.  Have a look at your magic biscuit paragraph and see if you can add any adverbs to give more detail.


If you have not yet done magic biscuits you can have a go at the worksheet instead.

Have a good day and remember to send in photos or write a message on the school blog.  Lets keep in touch!


Stay safe.  Mrs Hobbs
