

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Last day of term

Hi Year 3!


Today is going to be a creative day!


To start you off there is some music - enjoy listening and doing!

Sing this brilliant song to get your day started with a bang.

Once you know the words try it with the moves!


Have a look around your space. Is there anything you could use as a drum? How does it sound when you use your hands to drum on:

  • A cushion?   -    A chair?      -  The floor (carpet? Tile?)
  • A plastic food box?        -   A bucket?

Is there anything you could use as a beater to change the sound? Sticks from outside?  A wooden spoon?

Choose a couple of your favourite sounds and make a piece using different rhythms. Ask a grown-up to play your favourite piece of music and play along with the track with your new "drums"!


Maybe you could make some jungle drumming to go with your next task!


Watch this video which will show you how to make your very own jungle!  Scroll down to the 'Trillion Trees Art Challenge. You will find a sheet to tell you everything thing you need in our documents folder.


Cold you create some symmetrical flowers to add to your jungle? Have a go!


Enjoy being creative today and have a lovely summer!

Mrs Byrne
