

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Wednesday 10th June

Hello year 4


Keep up with your excellent learning and send me any photos or questions to



Watch the clip for dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and have a go at the activity sheet.  You know the drill - if you want more try the problem of the day and if you want less tricky try the alternative.  

Divide 2-digit by 1-digit number



Today I would like you to watch the video of Beowulf (it is about 30 minutes long).  Take notes as you are watching about how you think you might feel if you were one of Beowulf's warriors.  Today's activity is to write a diary entry as if you were one of Beowulf's warriors.  Then try the spelling challenge and see if you can find today's 9 letter word.  


Science and fun stuff


Today we learn about sneezing and why it is good to cover our mouths when we sneeze.  There is a gross activity to make snot!!  You may not have all the ingredients but you could try a pretend sneeze with flour on your hand and see how far the flour may want to do this outdoors! 

Final activity if you want to have a go is a you tube link on making musical instruments at home.


Stay safe.


Mrs Hobbs

