

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together


School Uniform


The uniform consists of:


  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White polo shirt
  • Black trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dress
  • Black shoes


PE Kit


  • Navy, sport fabric, polyester top
  • Navy or black shorts
  • Navy or black jogging bottoms/sweatshirt (for outdoor PE)
  • Plimsolls or trainers (must be suitable for outdoor games)
  • PE Bag in navy




All children, girls and boys, are requested to tie hair up where it is long enough to do so.  This is for both health and safety reasons and to look smart and ready for school.  Hair must be tied up in PE.  In swimming children must wear a swimming cap.

Non regulation hairstyles are not part of school uniform and should not be worn.  These include:

  • Patterns cut into the hair
  • Hair that is very long in parts and very short elsewhere

  • Hair dyed, either wholly or partly, in a non-natural hair colour 


All items should be clearly named to help identify lost property. Children should have a spare pair of shoes to change into when in school.


School uniform can be purchased directly from Mapac.


To help with sizing, the school office holds samples of most uniform items.


Book Bags can be purchased directly from the school office at a price of £5.50 each via the school shop on Arbor. We still have a limited amount of other uniform items in the office which is available for purchase through Arbor, however, once this stock has gone we will not be ordering anymore in and you will need to place an order with Mapac


Label Plant produce self adhesive labels that can be attached to items like clothes, lunch boxes, pencil cases, books bags and PE Kits. The school earns 30% commission on all orders. To order via their website, please go to :



PRE-LOVED school uniform items can be purchased within the School Shop on Arbor.  These are items that have been donated by parents and then washed by the PTA, ready to sell for as little as £1.00 per item.


Should you be interested in making a purchase, please remember that the School Shop can be found on the main dashboard of your child’s profile, at the very bottom within Arbor. You can only put through a purchase if the number of items you are trying to purchase is the same as or less than the number of items we physically have in stock. For example, if we have 2 book bags left and you try to purchase 3 you will receive a note, and must change it to this number or below e.g. "The maximum value for this field is 2". If there aren’t any items available, the +Add button will disappear, and you won't be able to pay through the Arbor App.


The office staff will check Arbor once a week for purchases made and we shall send your items home with your child, however should you require something urgently, please let us know.


