

Primary School

Learning, achieving, working together

Our Topic about the World Wars

Autumn Term Topic - The World Wars


Our first topic this year is 'The World Wars'.  We will focus mostly on World War Two but will look as to how World War One impacted the world and eventually led to World War Two.  We will look at different aspects of the wars including key figures and dates.


We wrote a diary form the trenches.  We have looked at what life was like for the soldiers and what they had to put up with on the front line.


We then looked at the causes and issues in Europe at the start of World War 1.  We wrote news reports to share this information, thinking about how we could use interesting language to engage the reader.  
As part of our DT work, we made Anderson Shelters. As part of this work we had to test different materials to see which would be best suited to withstanding a bomb blast!