Welcome to Year 4!
Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Harvey and Miss Batchelor
During the week, we need to remember the following things:
Reading record daily
Tuesday - PE Kit
Wednesday- Homework due in
Thursday - PE Kit
Friday - Homework given out
In the Spring Term we will be focusing on Ancient civilisations in Topic. We will be comparing the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Egyptians with Year 3 and deciding on who we are most impressed with.
In English we will be focusing on persuasion text so be ready for some great efforts to persuade grown ups why the children should stay up late or eat more chocolate!
In Maths we will be making a real push to embed our knowledge of the times tables as well as the year 4 curriculum.
Homework will be set every Friday. In year 4, we will do times tables activities in preparation for the statutory test at the end of the year. Other homework, may consist of spellings, a short task linked to our topic or an activity based online. Homework is due in on Wednesday.
Reading - All children have a book from the Year 4 library to read and can now get a book from the school library too. One of these should be coming home regularly with a reading record. If your child would like to bring in their own book from home, this is fine but it is their responsibility to look after it. Please make sure your child is reading to an adult at least 2 times a week. Please sign their record when they have done this. Children may also read independently and can record this themselves. Regular reading builds fluency and helps to improve independent writing skills across the curriculum.